AdSense is the most powerful Ad network which helps you to monetize your website and earn from it. Write high-quality articles and get organic traffic can helps you to get Google AdSense approval. As well as it also has some restrictions and some policies which you follow 100% you will get approved by AdSense.
Before start I want tell you some basics of AdSense and some policies,
“The AdSense is a
ad network which allows to monetized your blog, website or whatever you have!
When you site or blog is approved by Google AdSense the ads which are placed by
Google ads publishers those ads are placed to you site or blog with better
placement to generate revenue to you as well as to Google Ads publishers”
i) If you want to know about
what is AdSense | Complete Overview
Read more….
ii) Know about
How AdSense works | Complete Overview
Read more….
iii) And to know
How to get Google AdSense approval
Read more….
What things to remember before applying for
Google AdSense approval
i) Create high-quality & original content: Google AdSense
prioritizes always valuable, original and engaging content to serve it users.
High quality content helps for ranking. Before applying for AdSense we should
have 20 to 30 well-written articles original and engaging which helps for easy
ii) Mobile-friendly website: A responsive design of
your website helps to engage more visitors. We can check our website that it is
mobile-friendly or not by using various tools. Mobile friendly is the most
important point that every website owner should to be work on it.
iii) Comply with AdSense
policies: We
want to comply with AdSense policies to get fast approval. We want to avoid
prohibited content like adult material, violence, hate speech etc. Our content
and website should be according to their policies. If we are not matching their
policies so we can reject to get approval of Google AdSense.
iv) Add a Privacy Policy and About Page: Add
privacy policy because it is mandatory for AdSense approval. Adding About page makes
trust in visitors which best for organic traffic.
v) Website loading
speed: Improve
your website loading speed. If your website loading speed is not according to
AdSense requirement so it can lead in rejection. Compress images, enable
caching, best hosting provider can make your website loading speed faster.
vi) Build organic traffic: Our website should have
consistent organic traffic which important for AdSense approval. For organic
traffic we want to do SEO of our site focus on keywords and rank our site
properly on keywords which helps to get more organic traffic.
vii) Avoid prohibited ad placements: We want to avoid using
other ad networks ad placements to apply for AdSense.
viii) Use a
Professional E-mail and domain: Using professional domain
have more effect on visitor that free domain and same as for professional
ix) Copyright and
trademark issues: Avoid using copyright images, content, videos without any permission.
Use royalty-free and licensed media to stay compliant.
x) Be patient and
address rejection reasons: Getting approval is not easy it takes time and
you can get rejections many time. So, be patient, learn by rejections fix
issues and reapply.
These were some tips to remember before apply for AdSense!
I hope you like this post!
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